
祝贺你被大峡谷州立大学录取! 我们期待与您见面, and hope you are excited to come to the United States and study at Grand Valley.

We understand that studying in a foreign country might seem overwhelming for you. 我们在这里是为了帮助你更轻松地过渡. We also realize that things at Grand Valley might be different than what you are used to and felt it necessary to share our expectations for you as a GVSU student. Your success is of the upmost importance to us and this website should lay the foundation for that success.



You will find our academic programs to be rigorous and to challenge your intellectual growth. 您可以从我们的教师那里以多种方式学习. GVSU has a strong focus on writing across the curriculum and students should expect to:

  • 参与小组项目.
  • 准备报告.
  • 出席各种主题的会议.
  • 进行研究.
  • 每门课程每周接受评估.


 GVSU also provides opportunities for you to improve your academic skills through resources, such as:



在美国的生活.S. 生活很贵,密歇根的生活也不例外. You should expect that your first month here will be the most costly, 当你在学习新的套路时, 适应食物和其他文化差异, 结交新朋友.

  • 预计支付接近700美元.单是课本一学期就得100万美元. You will find that at GVSU it is an expectation to own your own textbooks. 
  • GVSU估计你将花费大约100美元.00 a week while you are here, on things other than tuition and rent. 
  • The first month will probably cost you more than double of what you are budgeting for food and other necessities as you start your life here. 

This may seem exorbitant to you before you have arrived, but it isn't unrealistic. 


  • 准备好自己的食物,
  • 自己去杂货店买东西,
  • 在二手商店购买衣服和其他必需品,
  • 在我们的校园花园做志愿者,
  • 把公共汽车作为你的主要交通工具.

You will be expected to pay your tuition and any other associated fees each semester at GVSU. Your fees will be applied to your account after you have registered for your courses.




你可以通过“myBanner,当你登录GVSU系统时. (您的登录信息已邮寄给您). 当您添加课程时,您的帐户将不断更新, 住房, 餐计划, 健康保险和其他费用. Please check it regularly and be prepared to pay prior to the first day of classes. If you have questions about charges, the Student Accounts office is available to assist you. 可通过以下电子邮件与他们联系: (电子邮件保护).

Payment is accepted via; Western Union, Credit Card, Debit Card, Money Order, Bank Draft, or Cash.

通过西联汇款支付可能是一个棘手的过程. 访问我们的西联汇款页面了解更多信息.



你的学术之旅为你的成功做好了准备. Students are frequently qualified for scholarships from non-GVSU parties. All international students admitted for Fall Semester to GVSU are considered for scholarship. 我们鼓励你做你的研究 可能存在的机会 除了以下奖学金.

There are two scholarships available specifically for international students:

  1. 在GVSU注册之前授予, your application essay and activities is what we use to make the decision.
  2. In January, there is a scholarship competition for  returning international students. 


Many international students choose to work to support their studies. 

一些学生将在校园里打工赚取额外收入, while others will work in 校外实习 to increase their understanding of their chosen field of study. 联邦法规限制你只能在校内工作, 或者在有限的情况下, 校外实习. GVSU有很多校内工作机会. 大多数都列在 www.博天堂官方.edu/studentjobs

尽早申请职位是有帮助的. The Padnos International Center will assist you in applying for a United States Social Security Number during your orientation. You will need this number in order to receive payment from any employer. 另外, you may seek advice from the Padnos International Center on off campus internships required by your program.



研究生有资格被考虑 研究生助教奖学金通常在7月份颁发. These are highly sought after by all graduate students and are extremely competitive. 研究生助教奖学金不能保证. 你必须努力争取.


  • 因为助教奖学金竞争非常激烈, 我们建议你尽早与教职员联系.
  • Focus on your academic interests at GVSU rather than your financial interests.
  • Faculty are looking for students that have skills particular to each assistantship, 准备好展示或谈论这些技能.
  • Set yourself apart by sharing experiences you have, such as labs, projects, research, etc.

If you are not selected, it is important to keep in touch with your faculty member. 他们会在其他研究机会上协助你, 会议演讲, 以及未来的助教奖学金. 

It is rare to secure a GA without having completed coursework at GVSU. Students must demonstrate their ability to succeed in the classroom on campus before being given the responsibilities associated with being a GA.



As an incoming GVSU student, you will need to secure your own place to live. GVSU has many 住房 options and the benefits of living on campus are many. 访问我们的Live On网站 来了解这些好处.

如果你想住在GVSU的房子里, 你需要在:(请选择转学生/毕业生)

  • 7月1日(秋季学期)
  • 11月1日(冬季学期). 

GVSU的国际学生经常住在莱克村, 穆雷, 如果他们住在学校的话,可以去南公寓. 

你想住在校外吗, 你应该知道大急流城是一个有很多大学生的城市. 经济适用房通常在7月中旬就已经住满了. 最好提前做好调查以确保住房. 合同期限通常为12个月. 网站如: 公寓.com or rentgr.com 可能对你的搜索有帮助. 



Michigan is a northern state, and you should plan to be prepared for our four seasons!  每个季节都有自己的辉煌, but the season that many international students are unfamiliar with is winter. It gets very cold with an average temperature of -1 degree, Celsius in January. +, 因为我们靠近密歇根湖, 我们还经历了所谓的“湖效应天气”, 也就是说我们会下很多雪.

不过,我们保证为我们的建筑供暖! Studying in the Mary Idema Pew library by the big fireplace is lovely.  You will learn to wear many layers of clothing, as well as warm hats, mittens, coats, and boots.

Please bring or be prepared to purchase plenty of these things so you can stay comfortable during our coldest months!



旅行是令人兴奋和难以抗拒的. 当你离开祖国去美国的时候.S., please consider the following eight items to make your transition easier.

  1. Assure your family and friends you will make contact within 48 hours of your arrival to the U.S.
  2. 带着你的护照(和你的美国护照)旅行.S. Visa) as well as your immigration documents with you on the plane, not in your checked luggage.
  3. 为你第一次来到大峡谷, 计划一路飞往杰拉尔德·R·福特机场(代码:GRR).
  4. You will pass through border patrol and customs at an airport prior to the GRR Airport. 如果你到达边境时遇到任何问题, 你应该联系帕德诺斯国际中心. 
  5. A phone number will be emailed to you for after-hours emergencies closer to the arrival time.
  6.  Immigration allows you to enter 30 days prior to the date on your immigration documents, 然而, GVSU只允许你在特定的日子搬进校园.
  7. 作为强制性国际学生入学的一部分, 我们提供大急流城机场的接机服务. For Fall 2018, we will be greeting students on August 17, 18, and 19th. 
  8. 我们要么带你去学校分配的宿舍, 你之前安排的校外公寓, or the Holiday Inn Hotel in Downtown Grand Rapids (at your expense). GVSU无法提供临时住房.

请联系 (电子邮件保护) 有问题或 浏览PIC网站.
